Healthy, Affordable Food Through Cooperation
The basics The Monroe Park Grocery Co-op provides low-income persons south of downtown a healthy, accessible, and affordable food source that is owned and operated by its own community. Creating class-inclusive community around quality food requires us to work with growers and the broader community to create the universally accessible, locally-based food system which will in turn sustain our own effort.
Market days These community social events run 2-4pm every Saturday in the Our Lady of the Road Drop-in Center at 744 S. Main St., the white warehouse building just south of the Transpo station. Shop, but stay awhile to sit around with new friends over free coffee and a healthy, $3 suggested donation lunch. Take in entertainment and programming such as nutrition and classes, with child-care on site.
The food We offer healthy staples from each food group and assorted common groceries and household items. We focus on what we can grow, prepare, or bake ourselves or in our local network. “Seconds” items and volunteer-preparation allow us to offer nutritious food at mass-production prices. Very soon we will accept SNAP and WIC funds.
Membership Our community requires investment from everyone who shops or attends regularly. Low-income “neighbor members”, our main constituency, contribute one service period to the Co-op per month. Financially stable supporters are invited to “sponsor membership” or “student membership”, which involve monetary dues. Membership meetings will be held monthly as we develop into a full-fledged worker/consumer owned cooperative.
Join us for a Market Day with no membership obligation! Shop, have lunch, or volunteer to help with set-up or baking!